This episode is with skateboarder, traveler, Division 24 rider, spoon whittler and absolute gent, Mr. Dave Morgan!
We talk about growing up in Wakefield, studying sculpture at university, wood carving, art, creativity, NAS festival, traveling, his ‘Eat Your Veggies With Leon & Dave’ part, and of course his series with Dickies Life! As Dave says “Everyday is a school day”, this is a good one!
To find out more about Dave, follow him on instagram via @mavedorgan
Stay up to date by following us on instagram @skateboarderand or by joining our Facebook page www.facebook.com/skateboarderandpodcast
The podcast is hosted by Mat Lloyd @matlloydpoet on instagram/twitter, his latest zine 'Short Drafts and Photographs' is out now. His official website is www.matlloyd.com
All music is provided with permission by Mr. Brown @westaytrue his music is available from all good record stores, iTunes, Amazon and direct via www.westaytrue.com
You can listen via Soundcloud here: